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A Historic Church with a Living Mission&

News & Events


PNC Update:


Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) Update (June 2024)

Yes - an update is overdue!!  If you were in Church on Sunday or saw the EMAIL that went out yesterday, you now know why!  Our Committee had to go ‘in hiding’ to get through all the work to finalize the process of the calling of our new Pastor.  Welcome our new Pastor - Noah Morgan!  As many of you know, Noah interned for us in the Summer of 2022 and Hebron Presbyterian immediately spiritually bonded with Noah.  However, Noah's graduation from Seminary was far off in the distance - so we knew we had to trudge on in our process, and we did for close to two years.  We became aware that Noah's graduation from Seminary was nearing early this year.  Our Committee had remained in touch with Noah - so we ‘allowed’ ourselves to turn our attention to what God intended all along.  Hebron Presbyterian Church will conduct a Congregational Meeting on July 14 to vote for our new Pastor.  Please pray for what the Committee believes is God's calling and our exciting future!

Noah will come to us with his fiancée, Addison.  We have come to know and love Addison, and she will quickly become part of the Hebron family as well.  


Yours in Christ,
Scott Parks
PNC Chairman

Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) Update (July 2024)

A Congregational meeting was held on Sunday, July 14, and the congregation voted unanimously and enthusiastically for Noah to come to us as our new Pastor!!  

See below for key dates as we start this wonderful journey:

  • July 19       Noah Morgan Ordination
  • July 28       Noah Morgan's first day @ Hebron (Liturgist)
  • August 4    Noah Morgan's first day as Pastor @ Hebron
  • August 11  Noah Morgan's Installation @ Hebron.

"And on that day you will say, "Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; make them remember that His name is exalted." Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things; let this be known throughout the earth."       ISAIAH 12:4-5 

Yours in Christ,
Scott Parks
PNC Chairman



Worship with us this Sunday at 10:00am

Join us on-site or online via Facebook Live

October 20th, 2024

 Rev. Noah Morgan

      “Bearing Fruit”        

                                                                                   Colossians 1:1-14                                                                                         

 As always, if you are unable to join the service in person at 10:00am., you may join the live stream on our church Facebook page:

Church Picnic August, 2023














Spring Revival


Niger Scholarship Update


Many thanks to all who sponsored students to attend school in Niger this year. To date, we have provided scholarships for 65 children! Learn more about our Niger partnership here:

Niger Scholarships 2022 info click here


Hebron Day School - Open Enrollment

Click the logo to learn more about Hebron Day School and contact
our Director to arrange a visit!
Here are some ways you can support Hebron Day School:
- Pray for our Day School staff and families
- Be an occasional guest reader for Ready, Set, READ - Sign up on the Church Info bulletin board
- Help with holiday parties or other special activities