We presently have an appeal underway to assist with humanitarian relief from the crisis in Ukraine. Donations can be made by check or via our online giving portal (see home page). Checks may be brought to worship or mailed to the church. If you donate online, please note that your gift is for "Ukraine." Donations will be forwarded to the Presbyterian Mission Agency, to be directed for work with churches and other organizations who are serving Ukrainian refugees.
On an ongoing basis, Hebron is committed to giving 10% of our income to missions and benevolence causes.
Currently, we support the good work of these agencies in our community, across the nation and around the world. [Click to jump to each agency's website]
Elizabeth Kates Foundation (Virginia Correctional Center for Women)
Donald and Laurie Marsden, serving with Frontier Fellowship
Evangelists in Niger (2), through the Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger & Frontier Fellowship
Scholarships for students in Christian schools in Niger & support of school construction projects
Disaster Relief through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Matthew 25 Ministries and other agencies
We also volunteer our time and talents to the work of God's Kingdom out in the community and around the world.
Hebron is currently supporting several initiatives in the country of Niger. Our partnership is facilitated by Frontier Fellowship and the Eglise Evangelique de la Republique du Niger (EERN).
Click the graphic above to view a video with more information about our efforts in Niger.
Niger Scholarship Fund: Since 2017, we have been sponsoring children to attend school in Niger. $300 sends a child to school for an entire year, including tuition, books, uniforms, and boarding at the school or a meal allowance. These sponsorships are given to children who would otherwise not have access to education. Children's education through EERN's network of schools includes academic training as well as opportunities to hear the gospel and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Click here to see our most recent brochure and learn how you can sponsor a child: Niger Scholarship Brochure. You can also contribute to these scholarships using our secure online giving option. Be sure to note that your contribution is for "Niger Scholarships."
Evangelists: Hebron supports the salaries of two EERN evangelists in Niger. This partnership began with the purchase of a cart and ox for each evangelist, which helps them carry heavy loads and provide transportation when members of their community need medical care.
Building Fund: Through generous giving, Hebron was able to secure a matching grant from Frontier Fellowship to construct new classrooms for elementary school children. The building was completed in the summer of 2019. These funds were also used to construct a dormitory and library at the Bible College in Dogon Gao. Thanks to many generous donations, we were able to fund the building of two additional classrooms for the Evangelical Church of Niger's (EERN) school in the town of Dogondoutchi. Construction began in January 2021.
Seed and Fertilizer Bank: This co-op was created to provide a fund for the faculty, students and other members of the EERN to borrow money for the purchase of fertilizer and improved seed varieties at the time of planting. Loans are paid back with interest at harvest time. The goal of the co-op is to provide for stronger crops and allow the farmers to become established on their own, thereby freeing up loan funds for other borrowers.

To learn more about how you can partner with us in Niger, email hebronpresbyterian@comcast.net
GVA Serve Day: Love God. Love People.
Our annual GVA Serve Day is an opportunity to serve our neighbors in various ways. Volunteers serve in multiple locations around Goochland County, including Habitat for Humanity, GoochlandCares, and much more. We end our day of service with a celebration picnic in the park. We hope you'll join us for GVA Serve Day 2022!